Friday 7th July : Startup conference at Eurobank’s Egg facilities 07:00 - 19:00
if you are a startup and intrested in participating or finding out more,please click here

Saturday 8th July : Venture Mansion, Winners of Friday’s conference will get the chance to meet elite investors at a ground breaking soirée at a secret location. 20:00
See full details

We would proudly like to invite you to one of Greece’s most anticipated and exclusive events of the year that will bring together top-notch startups, esteemed investors, and industry leaders.Nestled amidst breathtaking landscapes, a grand mansion sets the stage for this super prestigious gathering situated in the Athens Rivera.

With a focus on the shipping industry, this remarkable event serves as a convergence of innovation, entrepreneurship, and high-stakes networking. Against awe-inspiring vistas, attendees can expect transformative partnerships, groundbreaking ideas, and unparalleled opportunities.

Greece becomes the epicentre of shipping innovation, igniting the next wave of entrepreneurial success.What to expect:Cutting-edge technologies and groundbreaking products: Witness firsthand the latest advancements shaping the future of the industry.

Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals, top-notch startups, esteemed investors, and industry leaders during networking sessions. Forge transformative partnerships, exchange ideas, and explore collaboration opportunities.We look forward to hosting you and and introducing you to our ever expanding community. Don’t hesitate to contact our team with any inquires.

Contact and enquiries:

Iason Theophanidis

Founding member of JABLABS
Director The Blender Gallery
+30 6942 659 502

Maria@theblendergallery.com, +306942983395


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